Miscellaneous: You can print all of the icons by holding down the Command key and clicking on the Icon Selector window. Note files can be updated. Version 3.0 and later includes the list of where icons appear on dates. To update older files simply open the file you want to update and use the Save command under the File menu. The note file will be updated to include the new information. (See the note above for icon changes) The addition of the ability to select the font, size and style for the small calendars means you need to update all of your setup files. Open each setup file and then open the Font Preferences window. Click on the Small Cal button. Now choose the font, size, style and color for this option. Now click on the Save As.. button and either rename the setup of enter the name of the setup you are replacing. My Calendar windows are 'smart windows'. They remember where they were placed and their size when they were closed. When they reopen they are placed in the same location and sized the same. Holding down the Command key while clicking on the grow icon in the lower right corner of the main calendar window will resize the window to the full screen. Place an alias of My Calendar in your Start up Items folder. If you have enabled the start up note function, My Calendar will launch and display a note if one exists for the current day. My Calendar is Apple Event aware. You can drag preferences files to the icon and My Calendar with launch and use the requested preferences. You can also select Print from the Finder and My Calendar will print the calendar for the current month using the requested preferences. If My Calendar is already open and you drag a preferences icon to its icon, the month display will be redrawn with the new preferences. Hold down the Command key while typing the number "1" and you will return to the current day and month on the month view. Using the Left Arrow or Right Arrow keys while viewing the calendar moves you to the next or previous month depending on the view.